Wednesday 10 April 2013

I Need Your Love, I Need Your Time.

Mint Jumper - H&M (£19.99)
Pastel Hair Colours - Claire's Accessories (£4.99 each)
Mini Paco Rabanne Sprays and Mac Kohl Liner - Ebay
Not much of a productive day apart from nipping to Asda to get some shopping, trying my hardest to be healthy but my willpower is the worst and I could eat for England but I think I've done okay today! Brushed my teeth already so i hopefully won't be tempted to eat anything now haha I'm in bed right now too, considering I have to start work at 8am tomorrow because i didn't want to work a night shift! Comprises eh!? Anyways after I'd been to Asda I was bored and decided to be vain and try posing for Instagram, I'm the least vain person in the world but I like posing now and again! Bought some pastel hair colour sprays yesterday and tried the pink one out today as a test and I would need alot more time to let it dry into my hair before I went anywhere as I brushed my hair and it all came out pink in my brush ha! Oh also my mini Lady Million Paco Rabanne sprays came the other day as well as my Mac Kohl Liner. Just 3 more purchases I'm waiting on and then I'm not shopping` for the rest of the month! My bank suffered enough I think...

So that's pretty much the day done! I'm now going to relax in bed and listen to Ellie Goulding and Young Kato whilst playing some Pokemon.

Hope your day was just as interesting if not better!

Leandra x

Instagram - @leandrapalmer

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